Membership in CPOSSU, including a postpaid subscription to PCP, is open to anyone.
Basic dues for 2022:
$20 for members in the U.S.
$25 for U.S. for PCP mailed with a nice assortment of stamps.
$26 for those in Canada.
$40 for all others.
$20 for online only subscription worldwide.
$35 for both print, mailed with stamps, and online subscription in U.S.
$36 for both print, mailed with stamps, and online subscription in Canada.
$50 for both print, mailed with stamps, and online subscription in the rest of the world.
Sample copies of PCP are available for $5 to pay the cost of printing and mailing.
To request a membership application email your request to:
Secretary-Treasurer Roland F. Hirsch:rfhirsch@earthlink.com